The City of God

If everything we knew faded into history, could we still be a church—constant, remaining, set upon the Rock, identified by that heavenly, unshaking city of God?

The Term “Reformed”: A Hill to Die On?

Whether Baptists are called “Reformed” or not isn’t something self-professing Reformed Baptists ought to be willing to die over. 

My Bible vs. Our Bible

The only Bible you’ve ever seen is at your church. The pastor reads from it every Lord’s Day, and it was produced over the course of a year by a band of monks in a scriptorium a week’s ride from where you live.

Abraham Booth on the Incarnation of the Son

By affirming this orthodox article of the hypostatic union, Booth lays the foundation for avoiding just about every variety of kenotic Christology…

The Theological Psychology of Gregory the Great

In discussing pastoral qualifications, Gregory glosses the psychology of curiosity, earthly cares, and shame. Below, I will look at what he has to say concerning each of these.

Hilary of Poitiers, Incarnation, & Partitive Exegesis

“Being, then, in the form of a servant, Jesus Christ, Who before was in the form of God, said as a man, I ascend to My Father and your Father, and My God and your God.”

Shall We Worship Love? The Dilemma of Denying Divine Simplicity

The denial of classical DDS seems to encounter a dilemma — worship love or not.

The Cosmic Meaning of the Church

The church is an organism with a divinely bestowed identity and a heaven-entranced trajectory. 

Divine Self-Existence & Holy Jealousy

What God is only God is. This is why God, in Scripture, is said to be “jealous.” He doesn’t share what only He is — that which belongs to Him and Him alone.

Descent & Ascent in Matthew 8

But I would like to submit to my readers that there are microcosmic pictures of redemption that occur throughout our Lord’s earthly ministry.

The Magical Jab & the Unfalsifiable Premise

The Magical Jab & the Unfalsifiable Premise

This will not be a terribly long post. I have sermon preparation to do. Nevertheless, as I parsed the river of thought running through my mind, it occurred to me that I probably need to throw out into the public a response I’ve been making in my head to a mainstream argument coming from the immuno-vangelistic propaganda.

What Hath Baptism To Do With Regeneration?

What Hath Baptism To Do With Regeneration?

Signs and types often bear the same names of the things signified or typified. Baptism might be called “regeneration” inasmuch as it signifies the inward work of the Spirit, though it itself is not regeneration.

Landmarkism & Why I Do Not Subscribe

Landmarkism & Why I Do Not Subscribe

This article is a response to Landmarkism. The tone is irenic. I am indebted to men who espouse Landmarkism for much doctrinal fellowship, friendship, and sound counsel.

Thomas Aquinas on Gender

Thomas Aquinas on Gender

I believe Aquinas can help us sort out this difficulty by making the proper distinctions. In ST, 93.4, Thomas “steel mans” the following objection…

On Tradition & Innovation (traditum & nuovo modo)

On Tradition & Innovation (traditum & nuovo modo)

Extreme nationalism neuters human reason and dashes to pieces the judgment of conscience, the very faculties responsible for distinguishing man from beast, and instead demands that he accept tradition apart from discerning its truth or goodness.

The King & His Throne

The King & His Throne

It was May 14, 1948, just a few years after the end of the war, when David Ben-Gurion declared Palestine to be an Israeli nation-state.

3 Steps to Humility (According to People on Facebook)

3 Steps to Humility (According to People on Facebook)

Below are three tips on how to make everyone think you're humble in a Facebook discussion, courtesy of all the keyboard saints out there:   —   1) Assume your interlocutor is motivated by pride. Make sure this somehow comes out in the conversation so that everyone...

The Amalgamated Man

The Amalgamated Man

Modern psychology tends to see man as an amalgamation of traits, properties, or attributes. It doesn’t begin, per se, with personhood defined as imago Dei (image of God).

Slaying the Nephilim

Slaying the Nephilim

These ultimate and seemingly-invincible giants must be destroyed by God the Father, through the death of God the Son, and the application of that death by the ministry of God the Spirit.

There Are Giants In the Earth

There Are Giants In the Earth

The over-complication of the identity of the giants, however, runs the risk of destroying the actual significance of the text, and the significance of giants.

Scaling Scripture: Where the Quadriga & the 1689 Meet

Scaling Scripture: Where the Quadriga & the 1689 Meet

The infallible rule of interpretation of Scripture is the Scripture itself; and therefore when there is a question about the true and full sense of any Scripture (which is not manifold, but one), it must be searched by other places that speak more clearly.